Pest Control for Rats in London

Albany Pest Control technicians understand the habits and nature of rodents and rats, and have a powerful range of pest control techniques to deal with them. Albany provide the reassurance that the rat problem has been fully dealt with, and offer a call-out service to deal with rodents and rats in the home. Our service is fast, effective and offers the highest level of safety for your family and pets.

The presence of rats in a building can be catastrophic to both reputation and building fabric. Rats need to gnaw constantly as their teeth grow aggresively throughout their lives. They often turn their destructive instincts to pipe work, electrical cables and actual buildings, causing fires floods and expensive repair bills. That is why Albany Pest Control offer an immediate pest control response for eliminating rats in the greater London area.

Rats are also the vectors of disease and carry tuberculosis, salmonella, gastro- enteritis, rat bite fever, leptospirosis (wiels disease) and numerous others all of can cause death. Their droppings and fur will also contaminate food preparation surfaces and foodstuffs. Rodents are incontinent and consequently foul wherever they travel.

Rats also breed at an alarming rate. It is estimated that if two mice were left in a building with a food source for twelve months their population would grow to 2000.

Many insurance companies will no longer insure against rodent damage.

Albany technicians are trained in a new concept of rat pest control treatment.

The use of rodenticidal contact dusts, gels, baits and traps will, when used professionally control an ongoing rodent infestation. However unless used carefully in conjunction with effective proofing measures a vacuum effect may be caused and, in a matter of weeks, re-infestation may occur. Albany provides concise reports on proofing and have developed proven rodent pest control programs to implement this.

British Pest Control Association Member
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