About Heatwave Pest Control

The Albany Ltd Diathermic Treatment Capsule acts like a giant convector oven, allowing rugs, curtains, mattresses, beds, bedding, clothing and soft furnishings (such as sofas and easy chairs) to be placed inside for treatment. The precise amount of heat and humidity required is automatically supplied and regulated throughout the process by a computer.

For the treatment of bedbugs and other pests an insecticidal spray treatment is thoroughly applied to the walls and structure to eliminate insects and their larvae hidden elsewhere in the room and to prevent reinfestation.
At 58°c
Kills ‘100%’ of Bedbugs, Household pests, House Dust Mites – Fleas – Moths – Lice.

At 65°c
Treats all soft furnishings in the room including bed, curtains, etc. Chemical free.

At 73°c
Kills Viruses, Bacteria and Fungal Spores.

Why not ring Albany Pest Control on 0207 287 8845 to request a free evaluation.

We guarantee a same day response. Our lines are open 24 hours a day.

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